
Weaving in response to Yolanda!

Bantayan, a small island belonging to the province of Cebu in the Philippines, was one of the areas most severely affected by the typhoon Yolanda in November 2013.
Local populations have suffered severe damage and were left in deplorable conditions!

The emergency for these communities was then to find a way to stimulate economic activity and find quickly a new source of revenues.

To help them, we got interested in an activity: weaving from pandan (local plant).
Several women of the island already had basic knowledge allowing them to make place-mats and matting pandan, but unfortunately did not have the financial means to develop this activity.
We then deployed the necessary resources to help them!

Key steps of the project

April 2014          At the beginning, we have grouped a dozen motivated women and have provided them with the required materials to manufacture of basic weaving products, to stimulate activity.

July 2014              After the reopening of the market and the prospects of development made more concrete, HOST organized a training for weaving bags.
Felipe, a specialist of weaving belonging to the Department of Industrial Affairs visited Bantayan to lead a 10-day training for the weavers. Women then acquired new weaving techniques and learned how to dye pandan leaves in order to make colorful bags and baskets.

August 2014             Once the activity of weaving bags settled, we approached two retailers based in Bacolod : the brands Kiculo and Vivo that committed to the project by making the bags available to the public.

October 2014          The "Bantayan totes" were presented to suppliers around the world during the "Manila Fame," one of the largest fairs in Southeast Asia during which the creations of local artisans are exposed to potential exporters.

November 2014       Second training with the aim of improving the quality and developing new weaving techniques to produce different kinds of bags.

Felipe, the trainer
Basis of the weaving
Dyeing of the pandan

Since the launching of the project, our volunteers regularly visit the island of Bantayan to follow closely the evolution of the work of weavers, and each time the surprise is huge ...
In just six months, women have gone from very basic weaving products to quality bags!

With the training of November, the weavers learned again new techniques of weaving and also techniques of sewing that allow them to make bags more and more sophisticated, and even in line with current trends!

During one of our last trips to Bantayan, we collected the poignant testimony of weavers, to better understand how the project has changed their lives. For many, the activity of weaving has increased their daily income by three, allowing them to send their children to school, or to get the electricity in their small habitats.

Thereafter, we hope to invite other women to join the project and help other families in Bantayan.

The "Bantayan totes" at Manila Fame

Reaction of the weavers discovering the photos of their products at Manila Fame


1 year already, Typhoon Yolanda victims still need us!

On November 8th, 2013, exactly 1 year ago, Typhoon Yolanda hit the Philippines. 
On the island of Bantayan, 95% of the infrastructure has been destroyed, leaving people in precarious living and unhealthy conditions. 
HOST-NGO set up then emergency measures to assist local communities,  in visiting a few days later the island on Bantayan to provide food, clean water, medicines, and other first aid kits. 

Since the tragedy, HOST-NGO has developed two projects to help local communities to rebuild sustainably
- Kubo Concept: Construction of houses built from local materials and constructed to be "typhoon proof". These green homes will help communities without roofs to be aware of organic agriculture and environment. 
- Weaving Project: Training of a group of women in Bantayan to weave bags from Pandan (local plant). These bags will be sold so that the economic development of the community will be boost. Host intends to implant fair and honesty trade

To continue to carry out these projects and support the development of the victims of Typhoon Yolanda, HOST-NGO needs you!

For the first anniversary of Typhoon Yolanda, Global Giving makes every means possible to make this day a real fundraising, so that all the efforts for the reconstruction and conversion of the affected areas can continue. 
A year after the disaster, damage are still real and efforts are to provide if we want to improve the situation of the Philippines. Yolanda post-reconstruction is not yet completed, many homes are still unhealthy and jobs not converted. 

To help us, Global Giving make this Saturday, November 8 a day of 100% Matching, and it should last for few days. It means, all the donations you will make to Global Giving for our cause we will be twice more important. 
For example, for a donation of $ 100, we will get 200$ (to a maximum of $ 500 per donation). 

This is an exceptional opportunity to get all mobilize to give a second breath for our action !

Make a donation now